Elasticsearch Query Language ES|QL o s e d li David Pilato - @dadoonet Developer | Evangelist & s m e d
A presentation at Touraine Tech in February 2025 in Tours, France by David Pilato
Elasticsearch Query Language ES|QL o s e d li David Pilato - @dadoonet Developer | Evangelist & s m e d
Lucene Painless DSL Canvas KQL EQL Vega SQL Elastic and Kibana support a number of query languages
A brief history of Elasticsearch’s analytical capabilities 2010 2013 2014 2015 2023 Elasticsearch 0.9 Elasticsearch < 0.90 Elasticsearch 1.0 Elasticsearch 2.0 Elasticsearch 8.11 Facets Facet terms-stats Aggregations Pipeline aggregations ES|QL
ES|QL • Language • Engine • Visualization
ES|QL the language
ES|QL Features • Unstructured and structured data • Piped query language • SQL-like filtering and data manipulation • Lookups
ES|QL commands Source (From, Row) Filter (Where) Processing (Eval) Aggregation (Stats) TopN Sort + Limit) Expansion (Enrich , MV_Exand) ( + + + Extraction (Dissect, Grok) 75 functions: • • • • • • • 10 aggregate 20 math 10 string 7 date-time 15 conversion 4 conditionals 12 multi-value / mv_
ES|QL the engine
The new ES|QL execution engine was designed with performance in mind — it operates on blocks at a time instead of per row, targets vectorization and cache locality, and embraces specialization and multi-threading. It is a separate component from the existing Elasticsearch aggregation framework with different performance characteristics.
Query planner ✓ Flexible distributed execution ✓ Allow multiple roundtrips ES|QL Query Parsing Unresolved AST Resolved/Logical Plan Analysis Optimized Plan Planning Physical Plan Local Replanning Execution Results
Compute engine ✓ Tabular data representation ✓ From 1 thread per shard to many ✓ Spilling to disk if needed ✓ Streaming of data across nodes
Vectorization “convert from a scalar implementation, which processes a single pair of operands at a time, to a vector implementation, which processes one operation on multiple pairs of operands at once. “ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) c[i] = a[i] + b[i]; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_vectorization
Benchmarks https://elasticsearch-benchmarks.elastic.co/#tracks/esql/nightly/default/30d
o e d li ES|QL in action https://github.com/dadoonet/esql-demo s & s m e d
PROJECTIONS Each language client will offer a selection of projections relevant to that language ecosystem. RESULT DATA Ways to consume ES|QL results Users can consume raw data directly from the server output in one of several formats. DataFrame Object / Dict Cursor For mapping domain objects within a client application For incremental consumption of results, with implicit pagination For data science and analytics; integration with frameworks like Pandas Text CSV JSON Human-readable format ideal for interactive work, CLIs, etc Raw CSV data to load directly into spreadsheets and ETL processes Structured response containing metadata and data in a 2D value array Bring your own Custom projections built atop raw server output Apache Arrow Dataframe IPC format
Object API https://github.com/dadoonet/elasticsearch-java-client-demo String query = “”” FROM persons | WHERE name == “David” | KEEP name | LIMIT 1 “”“; Iterable<Person> persons = client.esql() .query(ObjectsEsqlAdapter.of(Person.class), query); for (Person person : persons) { assertNull(person.getId()); assertNotNull(person.getName()); }
ResultSet JDBC API https://github.com/dadoonet/elasticsearch-java-client-demo String query = “”” FROM persons | WHERE name == “David” | KEEP name | LIMIT 1 “”“; try (ResultSet resultSet = client.esql() .query(ResultSetEsqlAdapter.INSTANCE, query)) { assertTrue(resultSet.next()); assertEquals(“David”, resultSet.getString(1)); }
POST /_query 8. 16 { “query”: “”” from logs-* | stats x = ?function(?field) by ?breakdownField | where x >= ?value “”“, Named parameters “params”: [ {“function” : {“identifier” : “avg”}}, {“field” : {“identifier” : “network.bytes”}}, {“breakdownField” : {“identifier” : “agent.name”}}, {“value”: 1000} ] }
Java API with named parameters https://github.com/dadoonet/elasticsearch-java-client-demo String query = “”” FROM persons | WHERE name == ?name | KEEP name | LIMIT 1 “”“; Iterable<Person> persons = client.esql() .query(ObjectsEsqlAdapter.of(Person.class), query, Map.of(“name”, “David”)); for (Person person : persons) { assertNull(person.getId()); assertNotNull(person.getName()); }
TB INLINESTATS total_visits = COUNT() joinType JOIN indexName (AS qualifier)? condition? joinType: LOOKUP | LEFT | RIGHT | INNER JOINS! condition: ON identifier == identifier | USING identifier FROM employees | SORT emp_no | LOOKUP JOIN languages_lookup ON language_code | KEEP emp_no, language_name ● No need to create an enrich policy ● A drag and drop experience in the UI D
TB D FROM search-movies METADATA _score, _id | WHERE imdbrating > 7 | FORK [WHERE title:”Shakespeare” | SORT _score DESC | LIMIT 10] // fork1 [WHERE semantic_title:”Shakespeare” | SORT _score DESC | LIMIT 10] // fork2 [WHERE plot:”Shakespeare” | SORT _score DESC | LIMIT 10] // fork3 [WHERE writers:”Shakespeare”| SORT _score DESC | LIMIT 10] // fork4 | KEEP title, semantic_title, _fork, _score, imdbrating, plot, writers | DROP writers, semantic_title, plot | RRF _score | _fork | title | imdbrating ——————————+——————————-+——————————————-+————————0.04918032786885246 |[fork0, fork1, fork2]|Shakespeare in Love |7.199999889265137 0.031544957774465976|[fork1, fork3] |Othello |7.800000190734863 0.0315136476426799 |[fork1, fork3] |Macbeth |7.5 0.030330882352941176|[fork1, fork3] |Much Ado About Nothing |7.400088095367432 0.016129032258064516|fork3 |Julius Caesar |7.400088095367432 0.015873015873015872|fork1 |Juliet of the Spirits |7.599999984632568 0.015873015873015872|fork3 |Looking for Richard |7.400008895367432 0.015625 |fork1 |The King’s Speech |8.100000381469727 0.015384615384615385|fork1 |O Brother, Where Art Thou? |7.800088190734863 0.015151515151515152|fork3 |Falstaff - Chimes at Midnight|7.900008895367432 0.014925373134328358|fork3 |Maqbool |8.300000198734863 8.014925373134328358|fork1 |Only Fools and Horses…. |8.899999618530273 8.014785882352941176|fork3 |Ran |8.300000198734863 0.014492753623188406|fork1 |The Lovers on the Bridge |7.5 8.014285714285714285|fork1 |Horatio Hornblower: The Duel |8.199999809265137
Elasticsearch Query Language ES|QL o s e d li David Pilato - @dadoonet Developer | Evangelist & s m e d