Un moteur de recherche de documents d’entreprise

A presentation at Devoxx France 2023 in April 2023 in Paris, France by David Pilato

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Devoxx France 2023 0 p e st rt! n ru sta e s e a w e Pl fore be Un moteur de recherche de documents d’entreprise Maha ALSAYASNEH (@MahaALSayasneh) David PILATO (@dadoonet) https://github.com/dadoonet/DevoxxFR-2023

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LAB 0 Setup

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Devoxx France 2023 SUMMARY Elasticsearch Basics Ingest Pipelines Modify documents on the fly Apache Tika & Ingest Attachment Processor AI on Files Infererence Processor FSCrawler You know, for files… Workplace Search Even better with a UI THANKS

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Elasticsearch Basics

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Enterprise Search Observability Security Kibana Explore, Visualize, Engage Elasticsearch Store, Search, Analyze Integrations Connect, Collect, Alert Public cloud Hybrid On-premises

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LAB 1 Indexing JSON documents

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Ingest Pipelines Modify documents on the fly

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an ingest pipeline

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LAB 2 Ingest Pipelines

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Apache Tika

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CODE Parsing a Stream and getting content and metadata static void extractTextAndMetadata(InputStream stream) throws Exception { BodyContentHandler handler = new BodyContentHandler(); Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); try (stream) { new DefaultParser().parse(stream, handler, metadata, new ParseContext()); String extractedText = handler.toString(); String title = metadata.get(TikaCoreProperties.TITLE); String keywords = metadata.get(TikaCoreProperties.KEYWORDS); String author = metadata.get(TikaCoreProperties.CREATOR); } }

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Ingest Attachment Processor

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LAB 3 Ingest Attachment

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AI on Files Infererence Processor

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LAB 4 Ingest Inference

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FSCrawler You know, for files…

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Disclaimer This project is a community project. It is not officially supported by Elastic. Support is only provided by FSCrawler community on discuss and stackoverflow. http://discuss.elastic.co/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/fscrawler

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FSCrawler architecture FSCrawler Local Dir JSON (noop) Mount Point XML SSH / SCP / FTP Apache Tika ES 6/7/8 HTTP Rest Inputs Filters Outputs

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LAB 5 FSCrawler with Elasticsearch

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Workplace Search Even better with a UI

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FSCrawler architecture FSCrawler Local Dir JSON (noop) ES 6/7/8 Mount Point XML SSH / SCP / FTP Apache Tika WP 7/8 Filters Outputs HTTP Rest Inputs

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LAB 6 FSCrawler with Workplace Search

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