Deploying and Monitoring Elastic Stack on GCP

A presentation at Google Cloud Next ’19 UK in November 2019 in London, UK by David Pilato

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DZ105-Deploying and Monitoring Elastic Stack on GCP Speaker: David Pilato

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David Pilato Developer | Evangelist Elastic @dadoonet

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Deploying on Google Cloud Platform 01

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Deploying beats

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Deploying beats Elasticsearch Master Nodes (3) Ingest Nodes (X) Data Nodes Hot (X) Data Notes Warm (X)

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Deploying beats Elasticsearch Master Nodes (3) Auditbeat Ingest Nodes (X) Packetbeat Data Nodes Hot (X) Metricbeat Data Notes Warm (X) Filebeat

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Deploying beats Elasticsearch Master Nodes (3) Auditbeat Auditbeat Ingest Nodes (X) Packetbeat Packetbeat Data Nodes Hot (X) Metricbeat Metricbeat Data Notes Warm (X) Filebeat Filebeat

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Deploying beats Elasticsearch Master Nodes (3) Heartbeat Auditbeat Auditbeat Ingest Nodes (X) Packetbeat Packetbeat Data Nodes Hot (X) Metricbeat Metricbeat Data Notes Warm (X) Filebeat Filebeat

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Deploying beats Elasticsearch Master Nodes (3) Heartbeat Heartbeat Auditbeat Auditbeat Ingest Nodes (X) Packetbeat Packetbeat Data Nodes Hot (X) Metricbeat Metricbeat Data Notes Warm (X) Filebeat Filebeat

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Elastic Platform Beats Elasticsearch Logstash Log Files Wire Data Master Nodes (3) Ingest Nodes (X) Metrics your{beat} Kafka Nodes (X) Redis Data Store Web APIs Social Sensors Messaging Queue Kibana Instances (X) Data Nodes Hot (X) Data Notes Warm (X) Queues Storage Metrics Notification

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Elastic Platform Beats Elasticsearch Logstash Log Files Wire Data Master Nodes (3) Ingest Nodes (X) Metrics your{beat} Kafka Nodes (X) Redis Data Store Web APIs Social Sensors Messaging Queue Kibana Instances (X) Data Nodes Hot (X) Data Notes Warm (X) Queues Storage Metrics Notification

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Elasticsearch manual deployment 02

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Manual deployment Create the first machine $ gcloud beta compute instances create \ gnext-dadoonet-1 \ —machine-type=n1-standard-1 \ —image=debian-9-stretch-v20191115 \ —image-project=debian-cloud \ —boot-disk-size=10GB \ —boot-disk-type=pd-standard \ —boot-disk-device-name=gnext-dadoonet-1

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Manual deployment Create the second machine. For High Avaibility. $ gcloud beta compute instances create \ gnext-dadoonet-2 \ —machine-type=n1-standard-1 \ —image=debian-9-stretch-v20191115 \ —image-project=debian-cloud \ —boot-disk-size=10GB \ —boot-disk-type=pd-standard \ —boot-disk-device-name=gnext-dadoonet-2

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Manual deployment Create the third machine. To avoid split brain issues. $ gcloud beta compute instances create \ gnext-dadoonet-3 \ —machine-type=n1-standard-1 \ —image=debian-9-stretch-v20191115 \ —image-project=debian-cloud \ —boot-disk-size=10GB \ —boot-disk-type=pd-standard \ —boot-disk-device-name=gnext-dadoonet-3

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$ gcloud beta compute instances list NAME INTERNAL_IP STATUS gnext-dadoonet-1 RUNNING gnext-dadoonet-2 RUNNING gnext-dadoonet-3 RUNNING Manual deployment Check that all machines are running

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SSH to the instance $ gcloud beta compute ssh gnext-dadoonet-1

Manual deployment Install Elasticsearch

Install Elasticsearch $ wget -qO - \ | \ sudo apt-key add – $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https $ echo \ “deb stable main”|\ sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install elasticsearch # Automatic restart $ sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo /bin/systemctl enable elasticsearch.service

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Generate a certificate and a private key $ sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca $ sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert \ —ca elastic-stack-ca.p12 # Copy certificates /usr/share/elasticsearch/*.p12 on each node # In /etc/default/elasticsearch/certs

Manual deployment On the first node $ sudo mkdir /etc/elasticsearch/certs $ sudo cp /usr/share/elasticsearch/*.p12 /etc/elasticsearch/certs $ sudo chmod g+rw /etc/elasticsearch/certs/elasticcertificates.p12

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Manual deployment Setup elasticsearch

Configure Elasticsearch $ sudo vi /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml site discovery.seed_hosts: - - - true true certificate certs/elasticcertificates.p12 certs/elasticcertificates.p12 # Optionally # true # certs/elasticcertificates.p12 # certs/elasticcertificates.p12

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Start Elasticsearch $ sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service # Check logs $ sudo tail -f /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log [INFO ][o.e.n.Node

Manual deployment Start elasticsearch ] [gnext-dadoonet-1] started

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Repeat on the 2 other nodes

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$ sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive Manual deployment Generate stack users

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Manual deployment Check the cluster

Check the cluster $ curl “,node.role,master,name”\ -u elastic Enter host password for user ‘elastic’: ip node.role master name dilm gnext-dadoonet-2 dilm gnext-dadoonet-3 dilm * gnext-dadoonet-1

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03 Use discovery-gce plugin

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Install GCE Discovery plugin $ sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install discovery-gce

With discovery-gce plugin Install the plugin

Change elasticsearch settings $ sudo vi /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml # Remove the following lines # discovery.seed_hosts: # - # - # - # And add cloud.gce.project_id: elastic-community europe-west2-c discovery.seed_providers: gce

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Add compute-rw scope for each $ gcloud beta compute instances $ gcloud beta compute instances —scopes=default,compute-rw $ gcloud beta compute instances

machine stop gnext-dadoonet-1 set-scopes gnext-dadoonet-1 \ start gnext-dadoonet-1 With discovery-gce plugin $ gcloud beta compute instances stop gnext-dadoonet-2 $ gcloud beta compute instances set-scopes gnext-dadoonet-2 \ —scopes=default,compute-rw $ gcloud beta compute instances start gnext-dadoonet-2 Stop the VMs and add compute-rw rights $ gcloud beta compute instances stop gnext-dadoonet-3 $ gcloud beta compute instances set-scopes gnext-dadoonet-3 \ —scopes=default,compute-rw $ gcloud beta compute instances start gnext-dadoonet-3

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With discovery-gce plugin Check the cluster

Check the cluster $ curl “,node.role,master,name”\ -u elastic Enter host password for user ‘elastic’: ip node.role master name dilm gnext-dadoonet-2 dilm gnext-dadoonet-3 dilm * gnext-dadoonet-1

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Elastic Platform Beats Elasticsearch Logstash Log Files Wire Data Master Nodes (3) Ingest Nodes (X) Metrics your{beat} Kafka Nodes (X) Redis Data Store Web APIs Social Sensors Messaging Queue Kibana Instances (X) Data Nodes Hot (X) Data Notes Warm (X) Queues Storage Metrics Notification

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04 Kibana manual deployment

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Create firewall rules $ gcloud beta compute firewall-rules create kibana \ —direction=INGRESS —priority=1000 \ —network=default —action=ALLOW —rules=tcp:5601 —source-ranges= —target-tags=kibana

Kibana deployment Create Kibana VM

Create Kibana GCE Instance $ gcloud beta compute instances create \ gnext-dadoonet-k \ —machine-type=n1-standard-1 \ —tags kibana \ —image=debian-9-stretch-v20191115 \ —image-project=debian-cloud \ —boot-disk-size=10GB \ —boot-disk-type=pd-standard \ —boot-disk-device-name=gnext-dadoonet-k

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SSH to the instance $ gcloud beta compute ssh gnext-dadoonet-k

Manual deployment Install Kibana

Install Kibana $ wget -qO - \ | \ sudo apt-key add $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https $ echo \ “deb stable main”|\ sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kibana # Automatic restart $ sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service

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Manual deployment Setup and Start Kibana

Configure Kibana $ sudo vi /etc/kibana/kibana.yml “” elasticsearch.hosts: [“”, “”, “”] “something_at_least_32_characters_gnext-dadoonet-k_gnextdadoonet-k” elasticsearch.username: “kibana” elasticsearch.password: “my_incredible_password” # Start Kibana sudo systemctl start kibana.service # Check logs sudo journalctl —unit kibana -f

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Manual deployment Open

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Manual deployment Check with Dev Tools GET /

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Elastic Platform Beats Elasticsearch Logstash Log Files Wire Data Master Nodes (3) Ingest Nodes (X) Metrics your{beat} Kafka Nodes (X) Redis Data Store Web APIs Social Sensors Messaging Queue Kibana Instances (X) Data Nodes Hot (X) Data Notes Warm (X) Queues Storage Metrics Notification

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Using ECK 05

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$ gcloud beta container clusters create “gnext-dadoonet” \ —zone “europe-west2-c” —machine-type “n1-standard-4” Kubernetes deployment Create Kubernetes cluster $ gcloud beta container clusters get-credentials gnext-dadoonet \ —zone europe-west2-c

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Install the operator $ kubectl apply -f

Kubernetes deployment Deploy ECK in Kubernetes

Monitor the operator logs $ kubectl -n elastic-system logs -f statefulset.apps/elasticoperator

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Kubernetes deployment Deploy an Elasticsearch cluster

Deploy 3 elasticsearch nodes $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f apiVersion: kind: Elasticsearch metadata: name: elasticsearch-gnext spec: version: 7.4.2 nodeSets: - name: default count: 3 config: false EOF # Check if it’s running and ready $ kubectl get elasticsearch NAME HEALTH NODES VERSION PHASE elasticsearch-gnext green 3 7.4.2 Ready # Check Elasticsearch logs from 1st node $ kubectl logs -f elasticsearch-gnext-es-default-0

AGE 1m

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Get the credentials $ PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret elasticsearch-gnext-es-elasticuser -o=jsonpath=’{.data.elastic}’ | base64 —decode)

Kubernetes deployment

Connect to elasticsearch from your workstation $ kubectl port-forward service/elasticsearch-gnext-es-http 9200 $ curl -u “elastic:$PASSWORD” -k “https://elasticsearch-gnext-eshttp:9200” { “name” : “elasticsearch-gnext-es-default-0”, “cluster_name” : “elasticsearch-gnext”, “cluster_uuid” : “e4nry98BTjCsLSZASIcrRg”, “version” : { … }, “tagline” : “You Know, for Search”

Connect to an Elasticsearch cluster }

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Kubernetes deployment Deploy a Kibana instance

Deploy Kibana $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f apiVersion: kind: Kibana metadata: name: kibana-gnext spec: version: 7.4.2 count: 1 elasticsearchRef: name: elasticsearch-gnext EOF # Check until it’s running $ kubectl get kibana

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Get the elastic password $ kubectl get secret elasticsearch-gnext-es-elastic-user o=jsonpath=’{.data.elastic}’ | base64 —decode; echo

Kubernetes deployment Connect to Kibana

Connect to Kibana from your workstation $ kubectl port-forward service/kibana-gnext-kb-http 5601

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Manual deployment Open https://localhost:5601

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Manual deployment Check with Dev Tools GET / Check nodes

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06 One click install

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From Google Cloud Marketplace

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One click deploy

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One click deploy

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DZ105-Deploying and Monitoring Elastic Stack on GCP Speaker: David Pilato