
A presentation at Coter Numérique (private event) in November 2021 in Paris, France by David Pilato

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Elastic Stack Overview Search. Observe. Protect.

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$ curl http://localhost:9200/speaker/_doc/dpilato “nom” : “David Pilato” “jobs” : [ { “boite” : “SRA Europe (SSII)”, “mission” : “bon à tout faire”, “date” : “1995” } { “boite” : “SFR”, “mission” : “touche à tout”, “date” : “1997” } { “boite” : “e-Brands / Vivendi”, “mission” : “chef de projets”, “date”: “2000” } { “boite” : “DGDDI (douane)”, “mission” : “mouton à 5 pattes”, “date” : “2005” } { “boite” : “IDEO Technologies”, “mission” : “CTO”, “date” : “2012” } { “boite” : “elastic”, “mission” : “développeur”, “date” : “2013” } ] “passions” : [ “famille”, “job”, “deejay” ] “blog” : “http://david.pilato.fr/” “twitter” : [ “@dadoonet”, “@elasticfr” ] “email” : “david@pilato.fr } , , , , , , , , , ” , 2 { Who?

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The Elastic Platform Enterprise Search Observability Security Kibana Explore, Visualize, Engage Elasticsearch Store, Search, Analyze Integrations Connect, Collect, Alert Public cloud Hybrid On-premises

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Elastic Enterprise Search Enterprise Search Observability Security Kibana Explore, Visualize, Engage Elasticsearch Store, Search, Analyze Integrations Connect, Collect, Alert Public cloud Hybrid On-premises

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Elastic Observability Enterprise Search Observability Security Kibana Explore, Visualize, Engage Elasticsearch Store, Search, Analyze Integrations Connect, Collect, Alert Public cloud Hybrid On-premises

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Elastic Security Enterprise Search Observability Security Kibana Explore, Visualize, Engage Elasticsearch Store, Search, Analyze Integrations Connect, Collect, Alert Public cloud Hybrid On-premises

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CREATE TABLE use name VARCHAR(100) comments VARCHAR(1000 ) INSERT INSERT french INSERT INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) INTO user VALUES (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at customs service’) INTO user VALUES (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’) INTO user VALUES (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); David ; ; ) ; , r 8 ; ( A typical search implementation…

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Search on term INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) Empty set (0,00 sec) David ; 9

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Search like INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) +———————+——————————-| name | comments +———————+——————————-| David Pilato | Developer at elastic | David Gageot | Engineer at Doctolib | David David | Who is that guy? +———————+——————————— David ; + | | | + | + 10

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Search for terms INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) +———————+——————————-| name | comments +———————+——————————-| David Pilato | Developer at elastic +———————+——————————— David Pilato ; + | + | + 11

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Search with inverted terms INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) Empty set (0,00 sec SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%Pilato%David%” Empty set (0,00 sec Pilato David ; ; ) ) 12

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Search for terms INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) name LIKE “%Pilato%” +———————+——————————-| name | comments +———————+——————————-| David Pilato | Developer at elastic +———————+——————————— Pilato David ; + | + | + 13

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Search in two fields INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) comments LIKE “%David%” +———————+——————————————————————| name | comments +———————+——————————————————————| David Pilato | Developer at elastic | Malloum Laya | Worked with David at french customs service | David Gageot | Engineer at Doctolib | David David | Who is that guy? +———————+——————————————————————-+ David | | | | + | + ;


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Search with typos INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) Empty set (0,00 sec Dadid ; ) 16

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Search with typos INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’) name LIKE “%D_did%” OR name LIKE “%Da_id%” OR name LIKE “%Dad_d%” OR name LIKE “%Dadi_%” +———————+——————————-| name | comments +———————+——————————-| David Pilato | Developer at elastic | David Gageot | Engineer at Doctolib | David David | Who is that guy? +———————+———————————+

; | | | + | + 17

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Search engine? Moteur d’indexation de documents Moteur de recherche dans les index 19

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En action !