FSCrawler! You know, for files!

A presentation at Meetup ElasticFR #59 - FSCrawler! You know, for files! by David Pilato

FSCrawler: you know, for files!

FSCrawler: you know, for files!



FSCrawler Architecture

FSCrawler Architecture

FSCrawler Key Features

FSCrawler Key Features



FSCrawler Workplace Search integration

FSCrawler Workplace Search integration

FSCrawler Architecture

FSCrawler Architecture

Need to enrich your data?

Need to enrich your data?

Need to analyze your data?

Need to analyze your data?

Observe and analyze your data

Observe and analyze your data

Beware of the settings

Beware of the settings

Needs to be done (Help Wanted!)

Needs to be done (Help Wanted!)

Avez-vous déjà rêvé de pouvoir indexer vos fichiers locaux, genre PDF, OpenOffice, images et autres dans la suite Elastic pour pouvoir en rechercher facilement le contenu ou les meta-données ? C’est toute la promesse du projet open-source FSCrawler.

Au cours de cette session, vous découvrirez les possibilités de ce projet et ce qu’il apporte par rapport au plugin ingest-attachment processor d’Elasticsearch ainsi qu’une implémentation concrète.



The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.

Buzz and feedback

Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.