A presentation at BBL Talan (Private Event) in in Amiens, France by David Pilato
BBL at
$ curl http://localhost:9200/speaker/_doc/dpilato { “name” : “David Pilato”, “jobs” : [ { “name” : “SRA Europe (SSII)”, “date” : “1995” }, { “name” : “SFR”, “date” : “1997” }, { “name” : “e-Brands / Vivendi”, “date”: “2000” }, { “name” : “DGDDI (douane)”, “date” : “2005” }, { “name” : “elastic”, “date” : “2013” } ], “motivations” : [ “family”, “job”, “deejay” ], “blog” : “https://david.pilato.fr/”, “twitter” : [ “@dadoonet”, “@elasticfr” ], “email” : “david@pilato.fr” }
Performance that Delivers Relevant Results in Real-time Out-of-the-Box Solutions Any Data, Any Source Elastic Observability Logs, APM, Tracing, Metrics, Synthetics, Profiling, RUM Elastic Security SIEM, Endpoint, Cloud Build Your Own Elastic Search Generative AI Apps, Product Search, Workplace Search, Custom Search Apps The Elastic Search AI Platform Databases 69% Legacy Systems Ingest & Secure Storage AI / ML & Search Visualization & Automation Data Extraction Full-Text / Vector Search Share & Collaborate Transformation / Normalization Machine Learning Data Exploration Enrichment Correlations Data Visualization Loading / Indexing Analytics & Aggregations Custom Dashboards Intelligent Data Storage Data Manipulation 3rd Party Integrations Security / Governance Federated Searches & Queries Workflow Automation Public Cloud Applications SaaS Apps On-Premises Web Services Files Business Outcomes for Everyone Improvement in customer and employee satisfaction 60% Reduction in risk 62% Reduction in revenue disruption *Validated by third-party research
A typical search implementation… CREATE TABLE user ( name VARCHAR(100), comments VARCHAR(1000) ); INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); David
Search on term INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); SELECT * FROM user WHERE name=”David”; Empty set (0,00 sec) David
Search like INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%David%”; +———————+———————————+ | name | comments | +———————+———————————+ | David Pilato | Developer at elastic | | David Gageot | Engineer at Doctolib | | David David | Who is that guy? | +———————+———————————+ David
Search for terms INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%David Pilato%”; +———————+———————————+ | name | comments | +———————+———————————+ | David Pilato | Developer at elastic | +———————+———————————+ David Pilato
Search with inverted terms INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%Pilato David%”; Empty set (0,00 sec) SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%Pilato%David%”; Empty set (0,00 sec) Pilato David
Search for terms INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%David%” AND name LIKE “%Pilato%”; +———————+———————————+ | name | comments | +———————+———————————+ | David Pilato | Developer at elastic | +———————+———————————+ Pilato David
Search in two fields INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%David%” OR comments LIKE “%David%”; +———————+——————————————————————-+ | name | comments | +———————+——————————————————————-+ | David Pilato | Developer at elastic | | Malloum Laya | Worked with David at french customs service | | David Gageot | Engineer at Doctolib | | David David | Who is that guy? | +———————+——————————————————————-+ David
Search with typos INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%Dadid%”; Empty set (0,00 sec) Dadid
Search with typos INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES customs service’); INSERT INTO user VALUES INSERT INTO user VALUES (‘David Pilato’, ‘Developer at elastic’); (‘Malloum Laya’, ‘Worked with David at french (‘David Gageot’, ‘Engineer at Doctolib’); (‘David David’, ‘Who is that guy?’); SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE “%adid%” OR name LIKE “%D_did%” OR name LIKE “%Da_id%” OR name LIKE “%Dad_d%” OR name LIKE “%Dadi%”; +———————+———————————+ | name | comments | +———————+———————————+ | David Pilato | Developer at elastic | | David Gageot | Engineer at Doctolib | | David David | Who is that guy? | +———————+———————————+ Dadid
User Interface
What is a search engine? ● Index engine (indexing documents) ● Search engine (within the created indices)
Demo time!
Elasticsearch You Know, for Search
GET /_analyze { “char_filter”: [ “html_strip” ], “tokenizer”: “standard”, “filter”: [ “lowercase”, “stop”, “snowball” ], “text”: “These are <em>not</em> the droids you are looking for.” }
These are <em>not</em> the droids you are looking for. { “tokens”: [{ “token”: “droid”, “start_offset”: 27, “end_offset”: 33, “type”: “<ALPHANUM>”, “position”: 4 },{ “token”: “you”, “start_offset”: 34, “end_offset”: 37, “type”: “<ALPHANUM>”, “position”: 5 }, { “token”: “look”, “start_offset”: 42, “end_offset”: 49, “type”: “<ALPHANUM>”, “position”: 7 }]}
Elasticsearch You Know, for Vector Search
[ Embeddings represent your data Cartoon 1
[ Multiple dimensions 1, 0
[ Similar data
Vector search ranks objects by similarity (~relevance) to the query Human Rank Query 1 Realistic Cartoon 2 3 4 5 Machine Result
Data Ingestion and Embedding Generation POST /_doc { “_id”:”product-1234”, “product_name”:”Summer Dress”, “description”:”Our best-selling…”, “Price”: 118, “color”:”blue”, “fabric”:”cotton”, “fabric”:”cotton” } “desc_embedding”:[0.452,0.3242,…], “desc_embedding”:[0.452,0.3242,…] } “img_embedding”:[0.012,0.0,…] } Source data POST /_doc
Vector Query GET product-catalog/_search { “query” : { “bool”: { “must”: [{ “knn”: { “field”: “desc_embbeding”, “num_candidates”: 50, “query_vector”: [0.123, 0.244,…] } }], “filter”: { “term”: { “department”: “women” } } } } }, “size”: 10
Similarity: cosine (cosine) Human q cos(θ) = d1 d2 Realistic θ q⃗ × d ⃗ | q⃗ | × | d |⃗ _score = 1 + cos(θ) 2
Similarity: cosine (cosine) 1+1 _score = =1 2 1+0 _score = = 0.5 2 1−1 _score = =0 2
Performance that Delivers Relevant Results in Real-time Out-of-the-Box Solutions Any Data, Any Source Elastic Observability Logs, APM, Tracing, Metrics, Synthetics, Profiling, RUM Elastic Security SIEM, Endpoint, Cloud Build Your Own Elastic Search Generative AI Apps, Product Search, Workplace Search, Custom Search Apps The Elastic Search AI Platform Databases 69% Legacy Systems Ingest & Secure Storage AI / ML & Search Visualization & Automation Data Extraction Full-Text / Vector Search Share & Collaborate Transformation / Normalization Machine Learning Data Exploration Enrichment Correlations Data Visualization Loading / Indexing Analytics & Aggregations Custom Dashboards Intelligent Data Storage Data Manipulation 3rd Party Integrations Security / Governance Federated Searches & Queries Workflow Automation Public Cloud Applications SaaS Apps On-Premises Web Services Files Business Outcomes for Everyone Improvement in customer and employee satisfaction 60% Reduction in risk 62% Reduction in revenue disruption *Validated by third-party research
Elastic Observability Converge metrics, logs, traces, and more to deliver unified visibility and actionable insights with the most widely deployed observability solution.
Elastic Security Protect, investigate, and respond to complex threats with a security solution that unifies the capabilities of SIEM, endpoint security, and cloud security.
www.meetup.com/ElasticFR @elasticfr discuss.elastic.co
Thank You
Vous utilisez encore des requêtes SQL pour faire des recherches ? Vos utilisateurs vous reprochent de ne pas pouvoir chercher sur toutes les rubriques ? Votre temps de réponse moyen est supérieur à la demi-seconde avec seulement quelques millions de documents ? Il vous faut 3 jours pour produire des statistiques sur vos données ? Vous rêvez d’offrir une recherche “à la google” sur les données de votre SI ?
Ne cherchez plus ! Cette conférence est faite pour vous.
Venez découvrir comment Elasticsearch peut résoudre ces problèmes et bien d’autres lors d’une session basée principalement sur des démonstrations live.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.